


Recently, a summary of the status of Dance萌DX

Reminder before viewing!#

This article strives to summarize reliable news from recent days, but does not guarantee that all content is true and credible, please exercise caution in discerning.
This is my first attempt at writing such an article, and I hope everyone can point out any shortcomings!
By Chako


  • Before this
    • Someone DDoS attacked the server and used technology to tamper with others' data
  • June 27
    • Logout function added a boot time stamp verification (the usual method to escape the black room became ineffective)
  • July 9
    • 00:12 Unable to log into the account (in fact, SEGA started changing the game backend)
    • 10:00 Normal operation restored (in fact, SEGA completed the change of game backend)
    • ?(~22:06) SEGA initiated data protection, unable to transmit data
  • July 10
    • 00:46 Bilibili's Dance Mo DX announced temporary maintenance
    • 09:12 Title server temporarily restored, then went offline again (suspected rollback)
    • 14:19 Title server restored, all functions normal, fixed the issue of logging in using only userid
  • A grand conclusion! (Maybe?)(Hopefully so)

What happened after the backend change?#

This update changed the login logic, removing the token.
Now the backend only requires an 8-digit userid to log into the account anytime, anywhere. (Moreover, the first two digits of userid are fixed)
Some tech bros used this change to log into all accounts on the national server, it is unclear if there are any impacts.

Frequently Asked Questions#

  1. Q: Is it true that the scores seen online were unexpectedly altered by others (e.g., TiamaT:F minor 66666.6666% PANDORA PARADOXXX 999.9999%, these two images are widely circulated in various Dance Mo groups)?
    False. SEGA initiated protection after the server explosion, at this time all data could not be uploaded to the server for storage (so your DX Rating, collectibles, and song scores will not change).
    The former's playtime was 2024/07/03 17:46, and the latter is determined to be the Festival version based on the background, Dance Mo 2023.
    Both are unrelated to this backend update.
  2. Q: Why is the last login time 1970/1/1 00:00?
    The server-side disabled the time function, and the interface defaults to returning a timestamp of 0, which is 1970/1/1 00:00.
    It's not that you've become an old soldier from the Qing Dynasty

Here are some personal opinions#

Huali is purely an agency, probably can't touch the code.
Cursing at Zhu is useless; Zhu is the sales director and can't possibly rush into the server room to pull your network cable or catch whoever is doing bad things along the cable.
Thanks to SEGA's magical backend and not giving the national server a new version of AUTH.
I hope everyone can discern the truth of the news themselves and not become Oh no, it's chat records, I have to believe it.jpg.
If the network crashes, don't access DX Net and the QR code, first, it's useless; second, it puts a greater burden on the server.
Enjoy the game, love life.

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